Friday, February 11, 2011

Peace in the Present Moment

I felt weirdly unsettled, alone, back at the house, so I packed up my netbook and decided to go find someplace populated.  Tried to get together with close friends, but, that was a no-go.  So, I got into the car, and zipped up a couple of towns to the nearest local city; Manchester, NH.

I found myself steering into Barnes and Noble, and quickly found myself in competition for a parking space.  I pulled into a space that opened up, to avoid being hit by another motorist, and into the bookstore I strolled.

I was hungry, so I ordered some tea and a sandwich, while wishing the tea was really a nice glass of wine, and sat down to eat and type.  I looked around while I was at it, and realized I had seated myself in front of the section of sex books aimed at women.  Gods.  That was a mis-placement, as I could care less about books like the Daily Sex Bible and Red-Hot Sex Secrets right now.  Whatever happened to the days when men were supposed to be masterful, romantic, seductive and lead women into happily ever after?  I want me some of that action, please.

So I turned my head to gaze at the other books.  Now I'm convinced the Universe is laughing at me, for I'm looking at the self-improvement books.  I dunno..heck of a choice, between looking at The Power of Now, and Red Hot Sex Secrets.

Oh wait, it gets better.  There are two girls behind me, discussing weight, calories and diets.  One is cheering the other because she's gone from 110 to 103 lbs.  Like I needed to hear that.  Please.

..and, in the loveliest of lovely endings, there is a parent sitting next to me with a couple of bratty kids.  On my other side, is a man with the most annoying goddamn cell phone.

And it hits me.  I'm surrounded by all the things I rejected many years ago, while thinking about my business.  I figure I have had enough of  trying very hard to be a sex goddess, artificial beauty standards (to a point), children that I never had, and annoying little devices that buzz, beep, ring and squeak.  And the time to get on with my own life, and my own business, is now.  Which is a repeat of a message I got earlier today.  I want to say to the Universe, 'ok, I get it'.  Because I got that far.

My next question is, which step do I undertake next, and what is the business ultimately going to look like?  That would be..really helpful information.

For right this very second, though..I am going to take a deep breath and finish my tea, no matter what's going on around me.  Peace, in my present moment.

Until next time...peace!

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