Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Unexpected Small Joys

Yesterday morning, I woke up miserable and inclined to cry.  I'm not sure why, I suspect it had something to do with the cold, clouds, and yet more hard-to-manage snow that continues to blanket my little part of New England.  All I know is that, psychologically, I was down in the dumps, and the first thing I discovered is that my usual morning practice of reflection was doing me no favors; if anything, my mood was getting worse.

I tried to write anyway.  I did.  I was so, so miserable, however, that every attempt I made at actual writing, came out saying the exact opposite of what I had intended.  Ack.  Finally, I gave myself permission to back away from the writing and reflecting for a day, and instead busied myself with other things.  Or tried to.  I just couldn't bring myself to actually *do* much of anything.  I felt..utterly worn out on all levels, and upon that realization, I began to cry about the current conditions of my life, and did not bother to try and resist it.  I gave myself permission to just let it out and have done with it, and I did feel a bit better afterward.

However, my slightly improved mood was promptly dashed when my roommate asked me if I would bring her cats to the vet.  They've been having issues that needed to be seen to, and so, we made the arrangments. 
I was a bit annoyed when I went to catch my roommate's cats to get them into carriers.  My roommate's cats do not have what Hiro Boga would refer to as sovereignty, by a long shot.  So, there were instances of  feline resistance and carryings-on which did not impress me one bit.

Finally, the lot of us make it to the vet, where they are, thank the heavens, fans of what they call 'caliente cats'  (what I would affectionately call 'opinionated bastard cat').  The exam starts up, and, sure enough, it's as my roommate and I thought.  One cat has an infection.  The other cat, is apparently an asshole.

So armed with this confirmation of opinion, I agree to take the cats home, while my roommate hits the pet supply store to get the items the vet recommends to solve the 'out of litterbox experience' problem she's been having with the asshole cat.

On my way out the door, I spot a 4 month old German Shepherd puppy in the vet's waiting room, and my  bad mood evaporated as if it had never been present.  I love most animals anyway, and this little fellow was no exception.  He was a the cutest thing, all ears and paws and 'ooooh won't you pleeeeease come play with me' expression.  He was just too cute to *not* say hello to, and so I did.

The next thing I know, I've got an armload of a very enthusiastic GSD pup who is giving me kisses; I'm happy, laughing, and in that instant, it didn't matter if the rest of my life was pick-an-adjective-that- translates to -crappy..I was having a moment of joy, that ended all too soon, and that reminded me that once I have money, a farmhouse and some acreage again, I must look into the possibility of getting another dog.

Skipping forward over details that don't matter, I got the cats home, and waited for my roommate to return home with the items from the pet supply store that the vet had recommended.  The look on my face when my roommate walked in with boxes and bags of stuff, must have been *priceless*.   There were *huge* litterboxes of differing configurations, three different kinds of litter, and special doodads on top of that.  One would have thought that the cats were visiting dignitaries.

Of course, right at that point, my roommate's dog starts barking his fluffy little head off.  I am not known for how well I deal with pandemonium, so, I excuse myself to go snag wine at the store down the street, because my roommate is looking a little shell-shocked and like she could use a drink.

My next round of joy was when I purchased the wine. There I was at the checkout, with no makeup on, hair blown all over creation--and I got carded!  This completely made my day, as I am, to be polite about it, well over twenty-one.

This round was immediately followed by another round of joy, when I wandered back into the house, and my roommate and I sat back, ate dinner, drank wine, and shot the breeze as girlfriends.  I really enjoy these times with her.

..and the best part, this morning..I don't think either of us woke up to discover any 'out of litterbox experiences' had occurred during the night.  Yahoo!

..and I am surrounded by happy pets.

So my lesson for the day yesterday and today, was to find and take the small joys when I could, which, in turn, makes room for the larger joys in life.  I felt (and feel) blessed.

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