Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Four Tips for a Better Relationship

It happens.  Sometimes a stressful event, busy-ness at work, issues with children or in-laws, etc., throws off the relationship with the person one loves.   Here are simple ways to get the 'spark' back--or really get it lit in the first place!

Sometimes we all get a little overwhelmed, and that feeling can have some nasty side-effects.  If the 'overwhelmed' feelings are taken out of the equation in either a beginning or established relationship, it can prevent problems from developing, or at least prevent present problems from getting worse.

 Give each other a respite from drudgery, or overwhelming responsibility.   For example, in a beginning relationship with, say, a single mom, a simple act of loving service, such as getting the oil in her car changed, would be welcomed.

 In a more established relationship, you undoubtedly know what stresses your partner.  Step in and take care of whatever it is.  I'm sure your partner will thank you, or perhaps return the favor.

A little variety never hurt.  Don't do the same old thing, all the time.  Mix it up a little!  Do an activity you've never done before.  Try a different cuisine.  It doesn't have to be expensive. Use your imagination.

Clear, decisive, honest communication.  I know I would much rather hear a direct, 'I can/will do x, and this is when I'll do it.' (and it actually gets done!) or 'I cannot do _x_, but I can do _y_.' vs. 'You know I love you, but I don't know if I can do x.  Let me get back to you.'  

The first set of statements reduce stress, because they are clearly communicated and the person actually does them.  The second set of statements is a deliberate stall tactic, leaving the person asking for assistance hanging, and I don't know of anyone who likes that.

Until next time..peace!

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