It hit me late last night, that there are a lot of people out there who are completely and utterly unaware of how they come across to others, and that rather a lot of them own businesses. Unsurprisingly, these people and their businesses are struggling in some fashion, some in more than one.
I’ve been on job interviews with some of them, and I’ve come to learn that when the first statement out of a potential employer’s mouth, shortly after ‘hello!’ is something to the effect of ‘ God, I hope you’re better than the last person I interviewed, they were a complete idiot!’ or ‘I just can’t seem to keep help in this position, would you be willing to commit to staying in this job, in writing?’ or answering a question about compensation with a hang-dog expression, accompanied by an ‘I know I don’t pay well, and I don’t offer benefits of any kind, but it’s all I can afford.’, I know that I have just seen a very clear sign that I don’t want to work for that person, and in fact want to get out of their office as soon as possible. I don’t believe that it is just me that feels that an interview goes both ways, and I *do* believe that when a potential employer is interviewing a potential employee, professional standards of conduct also go both ways.
To explain in a nutshell: I believe I am not the only one imbued with the understanding that it looks bad when a prospective employee speaks poorly of a former employer. However, it looks just as bad when a prospective employer speaks poorly of a former employee or another prospective employee. It looks even worse when a prospective employer damns their own performance as a fellow professional, as an employer, or makes the company look unstable and underfunded, to a prospective employee by way of their words or their deeds on the interview.
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